Whether we’re concerned with custom screen printing or standard jobs (and everything in between — as veterans in the industry, we’ve truly seen it all), time and time again, we tend to encounter a myriad of misinformation on the internet. Perhaps it’s because of these misunderstandings about the screen printing industry that our Reston screen printing professionals love working with business owners, large-scale companies, and everyday people on an everyday basis. Then again, we love working with people simply because we love people and what they print on their clothing.
Your Reston Custom Screen Printers Care About Truthful Information
Indeed, you could say that we’re a reliable screen printing company by the people, for the people. In the interest of better informing the people, Studio One Screen Printing & Embroidery would like to dedicate this blog post to addressing — and busting — some typical myths associated with our custom screen printers. With well over fifteen years of industry expertise and constant innovation, you could also say that we’re pretty credible when it comes to touching on these matters!
If the information we touch on below doesn’t satisfy you or simply leaves you with more questions, our custom screen printers would like to chat with you directly! Feel free to reach out to us anytime.
Lengthy introduction aside, let’s get started.
Myth: Screen Printing Is Solely Meant For Bulk Orders
While it’s true that we specialize in wholesale and bulk orders for large companies ranging from hundreds to even thousands of individual prints, Studio One Screen Printing & Embroidery is more than happy to work with a company of any size. This includes individuals! In all honesty, we can print even just one shirt if that’s what your order requires. Custom screen printing jobs are great for small companies and teams who need a casual uniform or even just a simple way to add a more cohesive dynamic to the office space.
At the end of the day, our custom screen printers are here to work with you, not for what’s convenient for us. That’s the only way we know how to navigate the screen printing biz.
Myth: You Can Only Screen Print On T-Shirts
Nothing could be further from the truth! Our catalog features many incredible stylish clothing options that go well beyond your standard t-shirt, and there are little to no restrictions on what types of apparel we’ll print your design on. Need a popping design on a piece of athletic wear? No problem! How about a complex design on a sweatshirt? Don’t sweat it!
In fact, our custom screen printing services allow us to have the most artistic flexibility in terms of design and print application. Incredibly detailed logos or intricate graphics can be printed in multiple colors with inks that stand out (and stand the test of time). We say this verbatim on our website: “Studio One is more than just a t-shirt company.” It’s true!
Myth: A Print Job Starts Blindy With No Samples
If you’re working with a screen printing company who runs your design without verifying how it looks in a digital and a tangible, completed format, then you need to seriously reassess who you’re working with. Going through with a screen printing order without verifying how the design looks on the clothing is a bit like buying a piece of clothing without seeing how it fits on you, or even how it looks! Whether your screen printing job is only a few shirts or consists of thousands of individual items, we’d like you to be absolutely sure about how the printed design looks. Again, doing things right is the only way we know how to do it.
Myth: It’s Better To Go With An Outsourced Screen Printer
If you don’t care about things like quality customer service, attention to detail, doing the job right the first and only time and enjoying prices that are still competitive, then yes, working with an outsourced screen printing business may be right for you. Many people seem to believe that working with a local screen printer means that the job is going to be really expensive, which isn’t necessarily true.
Trust us when we say that we know the Reston and greater DMV area and that we’ve established countless relationships with prominent individuals and businesses in the area. As such, we’re experts when it comes to the local economy, the customers we work with, how to maximize a tight budget, and so forth. It’s always worth going through a local screen printing company like Studio One Screen Printing & Embroidery, and being more expensive isn’t a valid point not to go with us.
Myth: Screen Printing Utilizes Antiquated Technology
The validity of this myth depends on who you’re working with, of course. However, Studio One Screen Printing & Embroidery uses only the latest, cleanest, and most well-maintained screen printers and inks that we can get our hands on. Instead of purchasing a cheap printer and running it into the ground for the sake of profit, our interest is in constantly updating and ensuring that our practices are the best in the industry. In other words, our interest is in you, the customer!
Get Your Custom Screen Printing Job Started Today!
Whether you’re in need of rush jobs or you have a design idea that you’re not sure about printing, Studio One Screen Printing & Embroidery can help you through every single step of the process. Contact us today!